The best content to attract leads: Material for the awareness stage

Everybody in the world has problems. Generally, they’re looking for ways to fix those problems.

If they haven’t yet decided on an avenue but are searching around for possible solutions, they’re in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey. (In case you need a quick refresher: the buyer’s journey refers to the 3 progressive stages someone takes as they move from potential customer to paying customer.)

The awareness stage is the first stage of the buyer’s journey. In this stage, potential customers are educating themselves about their problem and surveying their options. They haven’t yet decided on a way to fix their problem…but they’re getting there. Many of them are using the internet to search their queries.

During this stage, you (the business) are looking to attract these folks and turn them into leads. How can you do that? With great content that intentionally meets these consumers where they are.

Types of content that will attract awareness-stage buyers

Let’s think about this buyer. They’re trying to figure out how to fix their problem.

They’re going to want educational information about their pain point and possible avenues.

Businesses can speak to this need with different types of compelling content, including:

  • How-to’s

    • For example - “How to build muscle”, “Easy ways to incorporate self-care into your morning routine”

  • Pain point explanations

    • For example - “Why you might be having trouble building muscle”, “Why your current morning routine might have you feeling out of sorts”

  • Topic overviews

    • For example - “Gaining muscle: Definitions, challenges, and ways to do it”, “The different types of self-care”

  • Digestible research

    • For example - “Muscle gains, according to researchers”, “Need more self-care? Research says to try these tools”

Formats can include things like:

  • Blog posts

  • How-to guides

  • Short videos

  • Short E-books

  • Checklist

  • Webinar

Whatever you choose for your content, make sure that it’s compelling. This is oftentimes a buyer’s first impression of your brand. It needs to be good. It should also be formatted for SEO, so that folks can actually find your content when they type their questions into the search bar.

So how do I start producing this content?

There are a few basics to think about as you decide which content you’ll produce to attract these leads.

First, think about your buyer persona and do your research. What is that person’s pain point? What types of things are they likely to search? What do they care about? What tone will appeal to them? You should put yourself in their shoes when developing content.

Second, check out your competitors. What type of content are they producing? How are they attracting leads? How can you produce something similar that’s your own?

Thirdly, think about SEO for internet content. What type of relevant content can you probably rank for? Remember, your content needs to be findable.

There are always more intricacies involved, but these essentials will put you on the right path to producing effective, engaging content that attracts folks in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey.

If you want to chat about this type of content, send me a note!


  • People in the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey are looking for educational information about their problem and potential avenues to take

  • Attract leads from this stage with engaging informational content that’s relevant and helpful

  • Think: how-to’s, research explanations, topic overviews, etc. in the form of blog posts, guides, E-books, webinars, short videos, and checklists

Reach out with any questions!



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